Sunday, July 13, 2008

J Coop

I cannot believe its actually july 24th and I know half of my schedule. I feel like I hypothetically wrote about that two weeks ago. I feel bad about ditching Drew and max for chicks. I guess getting my books flew me through a tank of mr coffee. Richie and I filmed the whole drumline in the hot tub. No questions asked. Nuff said. Hopefully austins having an okay time In berlin. Im a little worried. He must have found a wireless goneggtion. But the reason 4.0 im worried is that he changed his myspace mood from completely content to uncontent. I tried calling but some lady picked up. She was upset.

I feel like this blog is for comedy relief in ones sress filled day job.

C'mon. The blink 182 songs? This picture? Just Joshing anderson?! Admit it. Hey I'm not complaining. I dont have a job, a daughter, a family, a wife, or air conditioning. You can imagine that my life is pure bean. It pretty much is. Thats why school is such a hard transition from summer. Actually going somewhere everyday. Then getting a job. Woof. The truth is...sometimes I wish I could be taken seriously. Sometimes I wish I could just make a bigger impact by hanging with friends but instead I end up just telling jokes. I dont know if this is beneficial to them or not but Im not a teenage woman. Things are lamenating being the guy people can say, "Hey. this guy! This guy can pay for all of us and just tell a joke about it." You have no idea.

jonny lightnin


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