My brother and his friends invaded my home two nights ago and had a chill(kick) back (or whatever you guys want to call it) all over my back patio and living room. I was comfortable up until the point where I clearly took a girls seat and nothing was said or done about the situation. So after that awkward encounter, I went in my room and read a book right by my door on the ground. As I was reading, I hear my dog walking down the hall into my room and she is pretty old and doesnt like young adult kick backs, so I figure ill keep her in my room so she can settle down. Wrong. Its not my dog. Its the girl that had her seat stolen by me going to the bathroom. I didnt know this at the time. I opened my door with my foot not looking into the hall and started whistling, and rambunciously calling my dog with a high voice that I always talk to my dog with. I hear her stop and peak out in the hall....eye contact. I shut my door and spent the rest of the night feeling like a freckled face cartoon in my room. . . all in all. Pretty good cocktail party.
Well....shoot. I just wrote all that when Amanda specifically told me to write about something that wasnt exclusive to jeremy, austin, andrew, axe, jason, and occasionally ron.....and occasionally my gramma. I think im going to respect her request. I mean she is a doctor and all. I need to cool it with the jokes that dont make 100 percent sense or else she might toss me to the wolves. Lesson learned, I would have rather had souper salad.
interesting. I'm okay with this post making sense, as long as you don't make it a habit...
toss ya to the wolves... toss ya around the yard is more like it!
That is completely uncalled for Jon. There are too many understandable blogs out there. Yours is the light in the dark. The moon over my hammy. Sugared Ross is coming to town.
haha, I'm glad you're getting better
Keep me updated on life itself, I hope and pray house groups are going well
I agree with Ryan Axtell, but I'd also like to understand how life is actually going for you at some points. make like every one after five blogs make since, and go INSANE on the other five.
haha if that makes sense
do whatever you want bud. It's your blog, not ours
eggs over miami
mooj pap
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